Entreprise vérifiée

  • Numero d'entreprise: BE0870663585
  • Date de creation: 2004-12-20
  • Nombre d'employes: 0 or unknown
  • Statut: Active
  • Link to KBO


Charming and authentic forged railings, parapets and fences inject a touch of class in every building. The historic and elegant appearance is simply unique. Smithy De Beus produces and renovated railings with character. Crafted according to the rules of the trade, in a workshop that’s equipped with a clever mix of authentic tools and modern day techniques. Your wrought iron and mild steel railings, parapets, fences, tables and gates are created by true experts. Take a look at our website for more information.

Wrought iron and mild steel are exceptional materials. The elegant forms and timeless character offer added value for every house or building. A choice for wrought iron or mild steel for your gates and fences is a choice for class and style – especially when you put your project in the hands of an experienced artisan at Smithy De Beus. Al your wrought iron fences and gates are built in a workshop where this craft is still truly celebrated. The results are simply breathtaking. Discover our wrought iron fences and gates today.

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